The Cherry of the
Blood Mist

The Cherry Of the Mist (霧隠れのチェリー, Kirigakure no Chieri)
Hayato of the Byakugan ( 白眼のはやと, Byakugan no Hayato)
The Second Successful Byakugan of the Hidden Mist (霧の第2の成功し白眼, Kirigakure no Dai 2 no Seiko shi Byakugan)


Name: Haruno Hayato
Kanji: 春野はやと
The Cherry Of the Mist (霧隠れのチェリー, Kirigakure no Chieri)
Hayato of the Byakugan ( 白眼のはやと, Byakugan no Hayato)
The Second Successful Byakugan of the Hidden Mist (霧の第2の成功し白眼, Kirigakure no Dai 2 no Seiko shi Byakugan)
Gender: male
Bloodtype: O
Height: 6’0’’ (1,83m)
Weight: 70kg
Birthdate: April 15th
Age: 17-18 (Naruto classic), 20-21 (Shippuden), 36-37 (Boruto)
Kekkei genkai: hydrification / byakugan
Classification: sensor ninja, hunter-nin
Affiliations: Kirigakure / Konohagakure
Nature type: water / lightning/ wind
Other: kenjutsu / fuinjutsu / dojutsu/ yin
Ninjutsu: 5/5
Taijutsu: 4.5/5
Genjutsu: 2/5
Intelligence: 5/5
Strength: 4/5
Agility: 5/5
Stamina: 4/5
Manual Stamps: 4/5
Total: 33.5
Clan: Hozuki and HarunoFAMILY INFORMATIONHozuki Rina - mother
Haruno Kizashi - father
Uchiha Sakura half-sister
Uchiha Sarada - niece
Uchiha Sasuke - brother-in-law


Hayato is tall and have slight muscles; long, shiny pink hair, intense green eyes, pale skin and pointed teeth, which are a hallmark of some villagers from Kiri. Hayato also have abstract tattoos covering his arms, back and waist.He is always seen wearing a sleeveless turtle neck blouse, muted blue pants with the Hozuki clan symbol on the sides, blue armbands cover his arms and he wears gloves on both hands, completing the look with shinobi sandals that reach his entire leg.When battling and working as a hunter-nin, he wears a brown striped shirt and black pants with a teal green kimono over them and shinobi sandals. Hayato also wears a thin, curved eye mask with a straight design and a pointed red in place of the nose and mouth, as well as the Kirigakure symbol on the forehead.


As a child, Hayato was very lively and kind, his mother was proud to have him, since the boy was her only hope amid the chaos that Kirigakure was. Hayato saw his mother with admiration and wished to be strong as she was one day and be part of the hunter-nin group.Adult, Hayato tends to resemble both sides of a scale, he is delicate and sweet as a blossom, but he can also be bitter and destructive like the old bloody mist. Endowed with arrogance and unparalleled egocentrism, the shinobi is agitated and few are able to keep pace. Any mission passed to him is done with mastery and speed.His excess energy and the fact that some can't keep up with Hayato really irritates him, as was shown on a mission-rank where the other hunter-nin assigned to kill a nukenin failed and consequently unleashed his mother's death, Rina.After all, Hayato is a man who likes to do good things and help the needy, which is funny, considering the village where he lives. He doesn't have a smile always nailed to his face, but he is wishing a good day to strangers, helping the elders to carry their purchases among other things. This side looks a lot like Uchiha Obito in his childhood.He has a lot of confidence in his abilities and is very fearless, if there is an enemy in front of him, he doesn't back down or avoid the confrontation, Hayato goes to the end, even though it may cost his own life. He doesn't feel sorry for anyone, canceling out any feelings to facilitate his work was what he learned when he joined the group of hunters, so his fighting style is quite cruel.


Hayato was the fruit of a union between Hozuki Rina and Haruno Kizashi, Sakura's father —years before being married to Sakura's mother —who became involved with the kunoichi when he made a trip to Kirigakure in order to buy certain things and increase the small business.His stay in the water country lasted a few years and it was then that he met Rina, a woman in her late thirties, who was an oinin. They both had a small case and then the kunoichi became pregnant with Hayato.The Haruno gave the necessary support and prolonged the stay a little more in Kirigakure just to see the birth of his son and a part of his childhood.Since they only had one case, Kizashi needed to go back to the Leaf Village.The years went by and Kisashi met Sakura's mother, falling in love with her.Kizashi felt sorry to leave his first son, but he couldn't abandon the Leaf, so he decided to make up an excuse to his current wife about a long job and traveled again to the Mist Village to see his son.While Rina left for missions, Kizashi stayed at home with Hayato, which made the bond between the two become stronger. And the boy grew up in what was known as the Bloody Mist, he was still too young to understand how things worked, but he wanted it to end in the future and his mother to stay with him without risking other shinobi and losing her life.One day, Rina found found Kizashi with a sad expression on his face. He tell her that he was in married with another woman and Rina was filled with hatred because she still liked him and had hopes that the two could live a romance again.She used ninjutsu on his father, but it just didn't kill him because the little Hayato grabbed Rina by the legs and asked her not to do this.Sighing, Rina ordered through her tears to Kizashi to go away or she would kill him in front of Hayato. Crying too, Kizashi quickly gathered his belongings and presented his son with a small pair of red-earrings and a katana before he left.Already in the academy, Hayato was an exemplary student, he proved himself an excellent user of shurikens and kunais, not to mention his great speed. Most of the students were his friends and those who weren't, were jealous of the with sharp teeth boy. It was at the academy that he be friended two boys, Katachi and Yamagura were Hayato's best friends, and all three were the most skillful of their class.

Shippuden and Blanc Period

After that, Hayato became a boy a little more closed than usual and even arrogant, but still without losing all his essence. During the Fourth Ninja War, his mother protected him along with other civilians in one of Kirigakure's hiding places, but in the end everything went well and the Shinobi Alliance won the battle.At the time, he was just a newly formed chunnin. His abilities evolved greatly after the war, and when he was 21 years old, Hayato was already a very skilled jounnin, leaving only his entry in the hunter-nin group. But it wasn't yet time; the five nations had "recently" fought a great war, and Hayato only wanted to know how to increase his power a little more and seek new horizons.Rina didn't know, but Hayato met Kizashi in the forest, and the two talked about their lives. Finally, he said that Hayato could meet Sakura, his half sister, once she was older and he was near death. The motives? Hayato didn't know.He had no desire to meet Sakura at that moment and decided to follow his father's order when he'd be older, if his sister was still alive. Hayato wore the earrings that Kizashi gave him, and he also didn't detach from his sword, always using it in his battles, the lightning style being an additional way to increase the force of attack.During this time, Hayato dominated three elements: water, lightning, and wind. At 22, the man finally fulfilled his dream and joined the hunter-nin group, leaving his mother, who was much older but didn't want to retire, proud. The two held missions together and exterminated the nukenins with an enviable synchrony, and it was during this time that Hayato received the title of Cherry of the Hidden Mist.However, all happiness and pride came to an end when, on a mission-rank, when Hayato was 24, the hunter-nin group that Rina and Hayato underestimated the nukenin and got ambushed in a trap that left minimal gaps to get out. Hayato managed to escape easily because of his intelligence, but when he came to save his mother, it was too late.Rina died for a simple Hidden Mist Jutsu added to a forbidden jutsu that also killed his other comrades. The Nukenin fled after killing everyone, forgetting that Hayato was also alive from the outside, but inside he had died with his mother.After another trauma and a loss, Hayato transformed himself. He closed down a little more and became insensitive and very cruel to those whom he thought deserved no mercy. He promised himself that he would hunt down the murderer and kill him with his own hands to avenge the deaths of his mother and his comrades.

The Byakugan

It was a great coincidence to know the next year that the nukenin who had killed his mother and his companions was operating in the vicinity of Konohagakure. Hayato took advantage of the situation and begged that mission to be his; he was stronger and could handle the mission and have his much-desired revenge. The shinobi went on a trip, but he didn't expect Konoha to know the chaos that the nukenin was causing and to send an anbu to do the service.Hayato met with this anbu and then went into battle. The anbu obviously lost, and it was a surprise to the ninja of Kirigakure to know he was a Hyuga. Those eyes were valuable, and the Haruno didn't think twice before getting hold of one of them and killing the other shinobi. Taken by hatred, he didn't care for the consequences; he just wanted revenge and the power that an eye could bring.After transplanting the eye and leaving no clues that there was a confrontation there, Hayato went on his initial mission, finding the nukenin not far away. Both entered a very long and tiring battle, but in the end, Hayato was stronger and managed to kill him, then taking his head to Kirigakure, but before that, he remembered the promise he made to his father and decided that he was close to knowing his sister.Upon returning to Kirigakure with the nukenin's head, Hayato was congratulated and also interrogated for stealing a byakugan from a Hyuga in times of peace. He also knew that there was someone who did the same thing he did in the past, and his name was Ao. The Haruno became anxious at the prospect of meeting him and decided that he'd go after him, even to help the Haruno with everything that involved the byakugan. However, Hayato wasn't punished and was only told to be careful.He met Ao, who was now a war survivor and luckily survived a terrible attack by Uchiha Madara; he was retired and had mechanical prosthetics on his body. At first, he wasn't happy to meet Hayato, but with time, he came to help him unravel all the mysteries of the Byakugan, and then they became closer.Ao was like a father to Hayato, and he was the one who advised him to leave Kirigakure temporarily to follow new directions, using a good argument for the Hyuga clan not to pluck his eye or kill him and meet his sister. The Haruno obeyed, telling the eldest that he would return to visit Ao and tell him of his adventures.

Boruto Era

In Konoha, Hayato met his sister, who didn't believe the story, but the genes were there to explain everything, and, not to mention the appearance of both, it was impossible to deny. Sakura accepted Hayato and introduced him to Sarada, his lovely niece, whom he is VERY attached to.As for the matter of his byakugan, this was resolved with Konohagakure's advice and allowed the shinobi to keep the eye, (thanks to Naruto's kindness) but he is still constantly watched.


· The name "Haruno" means "field of spring" and "Hayato" means "fast person". Thus, "Haya" can mean "fast, bravery, readiness, pilgrim," while "to" means "person."· His name would be 'Ryogetsu' like Suigetsu and Mangetsu, a tradition among the Hozuki clan, but Kizashi Haruno wanted him to be called Hayato.· Instead of carrying his sword in the back like most shinobi, Hayato prefers to carry it around his waist like a samurai.· Hayato is bisexual.· Hayato's hobby is cooking, fighting and strolling, he enjoys cooking enough for others, always invents some form of a talk or meeting ending in the kitchen.· He likes Naruto and often makes visits to the office and to the house of hokage, he doesn't like Hinata so much;· Hayato likes to tease Sasuke and mock him, they both have a similar temperament, so the shinobi doesn't miss a chance to tease whenever he can.· Despite not liking Hinata, Hayato always plays hints in the air for her to teach him byakugan jutsu.· His favorite food is mochi, sukiyaki and ramen, Hayato doesn't like calamari and natto.